“Welcome to the Watch!”

— Sgt. Klumpenklug

Watch Report
Grüngar Grettirsnez Grüngar Grettirsnez

Watch Report

Arina’s team’s report on the morning after the incident.

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Fecking Merchants
Arina Rösenvand Arina Rösenvand

Fecking Merchants

These fecking merchants! Churlish, greed-gorged hen’s teats - the lot of ‘em…

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Strange But Fortuitous Day
Grüngar Grettirsnez Grüngar Grettirsnez

Strange But Fortuitous Day

Everything’s upside down today! Crespin kept going on about honorable liars and thieves at breakfast. What nonsense! And if that weren’t enough, Katia tried to convince us that Ms. Emagunda was actually a man! How ludicrous! Meanwhile we’re supposed to investigate a dwarf who gives great deals to humans while hating their guts! An Ubersreik dwarf who appears to be a nefarious cheat! What is the Empire coming to…

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Missing Brandy
Grüngar Grettirsnez Grüngar Grettirsnez

Missing Brandy

Drank through the rest of my share of Bretonnian Brandy with Arina through the day yesterday to celebrate vanquishing the troll and honor Constance’s memory. Young Katia joined us later in the night at the Crooked Hammer and tried to catch up to us. She drinks like a dwarf, but doesn’t seem to handle her ale like one, and got a little carried away with gambling. Good night nonetheless.

Looking forward to captain Pfeffer’s announcement! I bet we’ll get recognized for slaying the troll.

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The Boatman’s Guild
Arina Rösenvand Arina Rösenvand

The Boatman’s Guild

Crespin and Grüngar set a meeting at the Red Moon Inn with someone named Nixie Dunkelstande.

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Brandy Deal
Falko Spitz Falko Spitz

Brandy Deal

I’ve heard there’s a boat of Bretonnian Brandy coming to town in two weeks. Just need to find some folks to unload it…

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Pants on Fire
Arina Rösenvand Arina Rösenvand

Pants on Fire

The other night Katia, Crespin, Grüngar, and I smelled fire as we patrolled the south docks. One of the tenement buildings had caught fire.

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Missing Persons
Arina Rösenvand Arina Rösenvand

Missing Persons

Heard many a report of missing persons ‘round the Docks and the Dunkelfeucht.

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The Worst
Arina Rösenvand Arina Rösenvand

The Worst

Had first patrol with Sergeant Rudi Klumpenklug today…

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Call Me Watchman
Arina Rösenvand Arina Rösenvand

Call Me Watchman

I guess I am now officially part of The Watch of Ubersreik. I can’t say I am as pissed about it as I thought I’d be. Captain Andrea Pfeffer is a fine captain which is more than I can say for the sergeant who seems suspiciously at ease.

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Fresh Meat
Rudi Klumpenklug Rudi Klumpenklug

Fresh Meat

Looks like I’ve been handed some new recruits… again. Can’t complain, the last bunch disappeared during the night patrol last week and nobody’s heard a peep from them since. Looks like there’s always a vacancy on the southern dockside…

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New Recruits…
Captain Pfeffer Captain Pfeffer

New Recruits…

I just got handed some new recruits from the courthouse. Judge Melierte seems to be more lenient than what I’ve heard – maybe he’s just nearing his retirement.

Will have Rudi take them up tomorrow. After all we could always use some recruits to patrol the Docks. Heard some folks have been disappearing by the bridge…

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Battle of the Squig
Arina Rösenvand Arina Rösenvand

Battle of the Squig

I have been in Ubersreik just a few short days and quickly found my way to a drinking establishment I don’t mind so much. Most of these pubs are crawling with idiots. They sell backwash for a glittering shilling and call it Brandy…

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Classic Dill
Rudi Klumpenklug Rudi Klumpenklug

Classic Dill

That’s what I’m talking about! Ethel finally got some proper Dills from Bögenhaffen at the Raspy Raven this week. Now I finally can enjoy a classic dill sandwich. Maybe one day they’ll even get the mayo right…

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Making the Rounds