Call Me Watchman

I guess I am now officially part of The Watch of Ubersreik. I can’t say I am as pissed about it as I thought I’d be. Captain Andrea Pfeffer is a fine Captain which is more than I can say for the sergeant who seems suspiciously at ease.

What I am pissed about is that we’ve been falsely convicted of the death of Fosten the Fiery. I don’t even own a crossbow! Leave it to the Empire to compromise the innocent. The fecks. Could be worse. Could be dead. Osana Windandus saved our necks for sure and certain.

Grüngar and I met a young woman, Katia Rache, and her traveling companion, Cock-something-or-other, at the pub this morning. We went to the festival in the Marktplatz together and were arrested together. This Cocksure guy admits to killing Fosten. He doesn’t own a crossbow either! He was never out of my sight. How Windandus got our sentence down to three years of the Watch instead of death is beyond me. A confession! Myrmidia’s blade what a fool.

We did meet Wilhelm and Constance - fellow Watchmen. They could be useful in a fight. Can’t say I have the same confidence in Katia and Cock-something-or-other.


The Worst


Fresh Meat