Dunkelfeucht Investigation

I’ve spent a number of my shifts (and free time) investigating in the Dunkelfeucht. Strictly speaking, neither the Watch nor Altdorf patrol or sweep here. It’s well organized and seems to be marshaling itself but for what or against what I don’t know. Is it self protection against this insufferable system? Is it the Barron? Is the Barron working for his (or her) self or against Altdorf? Perhaps the Barron is a Jungfreud loyalist and is rallying a coup. A coup of a coup. He will need more than paupers and slum puppies if he is going to accomplish that. He will also need every fighter who might agree to help him and would be an idiot to kill them for minor infractions. As far as I can tell no one has actually seen him. I wonder if he exists at all.

Meanwhile, the list of missing persons continues to grow.

Uli Osfer - 8 days

Ryekart Pegfoigle - 3 days

Raspy Raven cook Tally the Halfling - unknown days

A stonemason - unknown days

Piere, a bagel merchant - unknown days

12+ unknown beggars - unknown days


Brandy Deal


Pants on Fire