Watch Report

Arina’s team’s report on the morning after the incident.

We (Arina, Katia, Crespin, and Grüngar) found ourselves at the Exploding Pig last night. As we were about to head out, a group of six masked and hooded goons with swords, clubs, and crossbows rushed into the establishment. They demanded the patrons* hand over their purses under the threat of death.

Crespin was closer to the entrance and was struck on the head with the flat side of the sword by one of the goons and was temporarily dazed. Katia, with Arina’s help, turned over our table to create cover from the crossbowmen. In attempts to intimidate the thugs we yelled out that a Watch Patrol was scheduled to be in that area within minutes. One of the thieves exclaimed “You said they weren’t going to be around tonight”. It seemed to spook them so we continued our tactic and kept implying that a Watch Patrol was nigh and exclaimed that we ourselves were part of the Watch as well.

Most of the criminals began to escape, but the greediest goon of them all approached us and threatened us. With the danger of the crossbowmen gone, we were able to overpower him and de-mask him, and recognized him to be Watch Sergeant Tierza Bronstein. The traitorous officer had one of the two sacks, containing some of the stolen purses.** There were no casualties, but fifteen individuals claimed to have been robbed.***

We told the general public to make a petition to the Watch Captain to claim their stolen purses.**** We then escorted the villainous sergeant back to the precinct and reported the incident to the Watch Captain.

Report penned down by Grüngar Grettirsnez

*There were around 2 dozen patrons at the Exploding Pigger at the time.

**There were only two goons collecting the purses into two larger sacks; three crossbowmen and one swordsman stayed by the entrance.

***List of names has been provided to the Watch Captain separately the night of the incident.

****We sent Crespin ahead of us to give you (the Watch Captain) a preliminary report.


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