Thief Taker

With my service on the Watch over, I have taken to capturing thieves for money. Thanks to a few reliable sources, I have gained something of a reputation. Though it must be said that with such an incompetent force of Watchmen, anyone slightly more motivated than a toadstool is considered an effectuator. Nevertheless, I have managed to bag a few higher profile thieves, much to the chagrin of my comrades, who, for all their boasting, do not seem to be able to take down a simple thief while protesting my right to go after bigger takes. Let ‘em stew. I’ve the right to any take I can catch. The fewer rot flies on the street the better.

I’ve had my eye on a few notorious criminals. Worse than any so far. Pursuing them on my own would be foolish. It has been weeks since I laid eyes on my companions. Perhaps they will assist me. I’ve asked them to meet me at The Docker’s Arm. We’ll see who shows.

